Send an Excuse for Student Absence

Choose your child's school listed below to upload an excuse for an absence.

Student Absences

Students should strive for perfect attendance. The district implements procedures that monitor and report student absences. Also, the district implements programs designed to keep students in school and to lower the student dropout rate.

When possible, medical, dental, or other personal appointments should be scheduled after school hours. Parents are asked to notify the school of appointments, which are scheduled during school hours, prior to an absence.

Written documentation must be presented to the principal or his/ her designee within two days of the student’s return to school. This documentation must come from appropriate medical personnel, court personnel, or funeral home personnel. Approved parent notes for absences should include current date, date of absence, student’s full name, the reason for absence, and parent’s signature. The maximum number of days excused by a parent note may not exceed eight (8) days per year and four (4) days per semester.

Excused Absences include:

1. Sickness/medical appointments with proper documentation.

2. Death in the immediate family as outlined by Mississippi law, with acceptable documentation.

3. Absences approved in advance by the principal.

4. Mandated appearances in court, with proper documentation